Zia Teaching Academy


Brief overview of the standard terms and conditions applied when purchasing a course.

Terms and conditions:

Copy rights of course content:  Zia Teaching Academy (the seller) has the sole rights to the entire content of the syllabus and content of the webinars provided in the duration of the clients’ course and thereafter.

Usage and distribution of course content and services: The client is not allowed at any point, or for any reason to share or use the content in the course within an institution and on a personal professional capacity whilst claiming it as their own.

The client is allowed to use the course and webinar content within their classrooms (Virtual and otherwise) for educational purposes only and are not allowed to distribute the course content.

Webinar protocol: The client may not include friends, colleagues and family members in the course webinars if they have not paid for them to attend.

Payment plans: If the client is on a payment plan, they will not receive their certification and recommendation letter until the final amount is paid to the seller (Zia Teaching Academy).

Refund policy: We do not have a refund policy, the course is self-paced therefore we are not responsible if the client changes their mind to not do the course after making the payment.


 The contents within this course and its supporting documents were created by ZTA team and are purely for academic purposes and may not be used without authorization by ZTA for redistribution or content creation for personal business or other companies. Copy Rights Reserved. Terms and conditions apply.